Our policy is to take the free hours that are funded by the local authority, and spread (stretch) them over the whole year. This will result in a number of hours which are funded for each day booked. The remaining unfunded hours in that day are chargeable. These charges can be found on our fees sheet. If a day is fully funded, then the only charge to pay is for the meals. This is an optional extra, and parents can choose to send in meals instead. If parents forget to send in meals, then the charge will invoiced seperately.
Childcare and Early Learning
This link takes you to Cambridgeshire Councils website and has information providing information Free childcare, finding childcare, paying for childcare and early years pupil premium.
Extended Funding
IMPORTANT: The deadline dates for applications and reconfirmations to HMRC, for entitlement (if eligible) varies depending on when you apply. Please check the government website to see deadlines for each term. In the Department for Education's (DfE) recent newsletter they encourage parents who wish to take up extended hours to apply ASAP to get their code in time. HMRC sometimes need more information from the parent to check whether they are eligible, so parents should allow PLENTY of time for this so they receive a valid code by the deadline.
Finding Child Care
If you need further help with finding a childcare place for your child, contact the Family and Childcare Information helpline on 0345 045 1360.
Early Years Funding and Pupil Premium
Information and Application form for Parents 2024-2025